Using a Stair Lift to Promote Safety

Published by Stephen on December 7, 2008 Under stair lifts

The stairs are a very common instrument used in homes and buildings across the world. Pretty much dating back to the beginning of humankind, stairs have been consistently used in some shape or another. Every year, many seniors and others with mobility problems fall on the stairs. Among those over the age of sixty five, the stairs present the most dangerous part of the home, frequently responsible for hospitalization and serious injury. To prevent accidents, many find that a stair lift is an invaluable device.

Stair lifts are used to make it easier and safer to use the stairs. Rather than having to walk up and down the stairs, an individual is carried up the stairs in a chair or standing on a small platform. In most cases, the stair lift is attached to the steps themselves, but narrow staircases and curved staircases will usually necessitate that the stair lift be installed onto the wall.

While there are some stair lifts that use a platform, which the user will stand on, these stair lifts require a very strong sense of balance. They move very slowly and steadily, but regardless, the standing stair lift is not as safe as those that require an individual to sit. As a result, these standing lifts, sometimes called perch lifts, are not generally recommended unless they are needed for medical necessity. Instead the seated stair chair is generally the recommended option.

The main advantage of a stair chair is that the individual remains safely seated while the lift is in motion. Just as standing up in a car is not a good idea and cah be risky, standing up on a stair lift can be risky too. To add another level of safety, the seat on a quality stair chair swivels 180 degrees. This allows an individual to enter and exit the lift on the landing of the stairs, as opposed to having to enter on the stairs themselves.

There are two basic types of stair lifts that are found in the home today. Some use direct power from the home to move the lift. These cost a little bit less, but they will not work if there is a power outage.

The other type of lift is the battery powered, or DC powered, stair lift. These lifts require a regular electrical outlet, but this is used to charge one or more rechargeable batteries. It is the batteries that actually move the lift, so even if there is a power outage, the stair lift can still be used. While these cost a little more, it is generally a better choice. They will require that the battery be replaced periodically, but in the event of an emergency the lift can still be used.

Since many caretakers use these to help take their mother, father, or other ward down the stairs, being able to use these devices in all conditions is especially important. Recently, one young lady in Europe was able to save her fathers life because of being able to use the stair lift. A fire broke out in the home and she was able to get her father into the stair lift, down the stairs and into a waiting wheelchair, so in many cases, a DC powered lift is a better choice.

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