Stair Lifts: New vs Used

Published by Stephen on May 18, 2009 Under stair lifts

usedFor some, the stairs are used safely and without incident everyday. However, for seniors and those who are mobility challenged, the staircase can present a very formidable opponent and actually is one of the most dangerous places in the home. To help prevent accidents and reduce the risk of injury, a stair lift is commonly installed. Like most things, it is possible to find a used stair lift, either in your local paper or online, but if you decide to purchase a used stair lift, you must be very careful.

A stair lift is a lifting aid that carries a single person up and down the stairs. Most use a chair for the occupant to sit in as they are carried up the stairs, however some models use a small platform called a perch instead. One of the reasons that stair lifts are so popular is because they are a low cost alternative to installing an elevator and can usually be installed without major modification to the home.

Used Stair Lifts: Private Individuals

If you decide to purchase a used stair lift there are several important considerations. It is possible to save some money by going this route, however, it is not typically recommended to buy a used stair lift from a private individual.

The reasons behind this are several fold, but largely has to do with the fact that you do not really know the condition of the stair lift when you purchase it used from a private individual. They may have misused the stair lift, damaged it when removing it, lost parts, or it might simply be on its last leg. Also, the track of the stair lift will need to run the entire distance of the stairs, so unless the person has an identical staircase, you will either need to purchase additional track or cut the existing track. A used stair lift from a private individual will also typically lack a warranty, so if the stair lift breaks, the cost of repair will have to be paid out of your pocket.

Used Stair Lifts: Using a Reputable Dealer

While purchasing a used stair lift from a private individual is generally frowned upon, there are several companies that sell quality refurbished stair lifts. When you purchase a used stair lift from a reputable dealer, they will have taken the time to thoroughly inspect and refurbish the stair lift. This means replacing worn parts and returning it to its original factory conditions. They will also provide you with the proper sized track for your staircase and will cover the stair lift with a warranty.

The obvious advantage to purchasing a used stair lift is that you will save some money. However, this saved money comes at the cost of selection and a limited warranty. This is because typically a used stair lift dealer will have a much smaller selection of stair lifts to choose from. As a result, it might not be possible to get one with the fabric you like or even the exact model you like. The warranty is also usually reduced, with most offering a six moth warranty. In comparison, a new stair lift will usually be backed by at least a five year warranty, with some covered by up to ten year warranties.

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