Stair Chairs and Perch Lifts Compared

Published by Stephen on September 4, 2009 Under stair lifts

There are many different devices available to help make life easier and safer for those who are mobility challenged. Once such device is the stair lift, which is used by those who are unable to safely use the stairs on their own.

Stair lifts are used in place of elevators, which can be very expensive and require a major home renovation to install. Instead, a stair lift for a straight staircase can usually be installed in an afternoon and is something most handymen can do without assistance, saving a great deal on installation costs.

There are many different models of stair lifts and several popular manufacturers, but they all share a very similar design. Basically, a stair lift uses a car and track system, in which the track is attached to the staircase and the car moves along the track holding one rider. There are two basic types of stair lifts, stair chairs and perch lifts, which both offer their own advantages.

Stair Chairs: The Standard Stair Lift

stairliftStair chairs are the most common type of stair lift and is the best for most situations. These types of stair lifts provide a chair for the user to sit in as they are carried up the staircase. Depending on the type of stair chair, the chair could be made completely out of plastic, metal, or a combination of the two. Many are also padded for extra comfort.

Stair chairs not only provide a seat for the user, but also armrests and a footrest. The armrests can usually be lifted up to make it easier to transfer into or out of the stair lift. The seat itself also usually swivels, which allows the user to enter or exit the stair lift facing away from the staircase, improving safety. The footrest also contains a sensor to detect objects on the stairs that could impeded its movement, such as a purse.

When not in use, the seat can also usually be folded up, so the stair chair does not take up as much space on the staircase. Most stair chairs come with seat belts and optional shoulder restraints to increase safety.

One of the most important considerations when choosing a stair chair is the size of the seat. It is important that the seat is wide and deep enough to accommodate the users body safely and comfortably. Most stair lift manufactures offer heavy duty models for those that need a bariatric stair lift.

Perch Lifts: The Standing Stair Lift

perchLiftPerch lifts are much less common than stair chairs and not quite as safe. This is because a perch lift is designed to carry the person up the stairs when they are standing. This is why perch lifts are often called standing stair lifts.

A small platform is provide for the user to stand on, which is large enough for both feet, but not too much bigger. Multiple hand holds are placed at waist or shoulder height, offering the person support as the perch lift moves up the staircase. Some perch lifts also provide a waist high support that can be leaned against as the device moves up the stairs.

Since using a perch lift requires that the user remain upright as they move up the staircase, it requires much more balance than a standard stair chair. This makes it less safe than a stair chair, especially for seniors with limited vision, balance, or dementia.

Since they are less safe than a standard stair lift, perch lifts are typically only used by people who are unable to bend their knee enough to sit down in a standard stair chair, such as after a knee replacement surgery.

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