Choosing the Right Stair Lift

Published by Stephen on April 6, 2009 Under stair lifts

straightstairliftFor seniors, the stairs often represent a very large obstacle. This can mean that there might be a large sections of a seniors home that can not be used safely without assistance. While it is not only seniors who have difficulty with the stairs, this age group is most at risk of a fall and injury on the stairs, so creating a safe stair environment is often a very important concern.

One way that safety and independence can be ensured on the stairs is by using a stair lift. Stair lifts are designed to carry a person up or down the stairs, safety and without requiring help from others. For those with straight staircases, a stair lift can usually be installed easily and in only a few hours. Those who have curved staircases must get a special type of lift and will probably need to use a professional installation service.

Stair lifts for straight staircases use a track system that is attached to the steps on the staircase. The track, which is usually made out of aluminum, runs the entire length of the staircase, with the end resting on the bottom landing of the stairs. Along the track, a chair or small platform is sent, powered by an electrical motor. The chair stair lift is the most common option, however, the standing stair lift is also an option for some people. In most cases, the sitting stair lift is the better option, because provides a safer and easier to use option.

The length of the staircase and the weight of the rider are two factors that will play a part in determining what type of stair lift to get. Most stair lifts support around 300 pounds, however, this varies by model and heavy duty stair lifts are available, which can support over 500 pounds.

Stair lifts can typically be divided into two categories, with DC stair lifts overtaking AC stair lifts in popularity. A DC stair lift, also referred to as a battery powered stair lift, have a slightly higher initial cost and will also have a higher maintenance cost. The higher operating cost occurs because the batteries must be replaced periodically, however they offer the advantage of still operating even if the power goes out in the home. An AC stair lift will cost a little less, but if the power goes out, the lift can not be used until power is restored in the home. AC Stair lifts move a little bit faster than battery powered stair lifts as well.

For many, the DC stair lift provides the easiest and best choice, but AC stair lifts are still very common. It is a good idea to consider how often you loose power in your home, before deciding one way or the other. If you frequently loose power, the Battery powered stair lift might be the safest choice.

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