What Makes Up a Stair Lift?

Published by Stephen on October 29, 2008 under stair lifts

Many seniors every year have serious accidents on the stairs. In fact, falling while using the stairway is the leading reason for hospitalization in seniors and is also the leading cause of accidental death. Since the stairs present such a direct risk to seniors, it is important to take care to reduce the likelihood of a fall. One way that is commonly used in homes is installing a stairway lift.

Stair lifts are mobility devices that are used to help a person move up a staircase. They are common in the home and in businesses.

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Stair Lifts Explained

Published by Stephen on October 27, 2008 under stair lifts

For a senior, there are many areas around the home that present a risk, but the stairs are by far the most dangerous area of the home. Every year, more seniors are killed and injured on the stairs than in any other area of the home. Often it is not even necessarily a very hard fall that results in injury, many times even just a slight misstep can result in a broken hip or leg. These small low impact falls are the result of weakened bones, due to osteoporosis.

Since there is such a large risk presented by the stairs, many seniors try to avoid them whenever possible, but this is not usually possible around your own home. This is the reason that many seniors opt to install a stair lift in their home.

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Seniors: Preventing Falls

Published by Stephen on October 24, 2008 under fall prevention

Falls among seniors are a leading cause of severe injury. This is caused by several factors. Things such as arthritis or Alzheimer’s make falls more likely, then when a fall occurs, it is often much harder to recover from it. Disorders like osteoporosis can weaken the bones, so even a low impact fall can result in a broken bone.

Since, for seniors, falls can be a very real health threat, it is important to prevent them before they happen.

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Safety with Stair Lifts

Published by Stephen on October 23, 2008 under stair lifts

There are many people who find it difficult to climb up their staircase. This is often as a result of an injury or a disease that negatively affects a persons joints. Arthritis is one common disease that can quite often make climbing the stairs difficult and unsafe.

Since falls on the stairs represent one of the most common reasons for hospitalization among seniors, there is a need to prevent accidents on the stairs. This is why many people install a stair lift.

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Stair Lift History

Published by Stephen on October 20, 2008 under stair lifts

Every year millions of Americans struggle with the effects of aging. Disorders like Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s can greatly affect a persons way of life. They affect things like getting out of the bath tub, driving, and recovering from injuries. One of the greatest risk that is faced everyday by Americans is the use of staircases.

Falls on the stairs are a common cause of injury among people of all ages, but those over sixty-five are the group that is most effected by these types of accidents. In fact a fall on the stairs is not only the leading cause of hospitalization among seniors, but it is also the leading cause of accidental death. Due to the dangers that are so closely tied to the stairs, preventing falls is imperative. Using a stair lift is one of the best and most cost effective ways to prevent falls.

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AC and Battery Powered Stair Lifts

Published by Stephen on October 16, 2008 under stair lifts

Not being able to safely use the stairs is a problem faced by a growing number of Americans every year. Falls on the stairs are the leading cause of serious injury among seniors, so it is imperative to prevent accidents on the stairs. Many of the problems that seniors face on the stairs are as a result of diseases, such as Arthritis, which can make movement painful, but the ability to recover from an injury is also usually much more difficult for someone over sixty-five, so preventing them before they happen is imperative.

One of the most cost effective ways to prevent falls on the stairs is to install a stair lift. These devices are used to carry a person up or down the stairs, so there is a greatly reduced risk of a fall. There are two basic types of stair lifts: AC Powered and Battery Powered.

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Preventing Falls with a Stair Lift

Published by Stephen on October 13, 2008 under stair lifts

The stairs represent one of the most dangerous places of a home. Every year hundreds of thousands of people of all ages fall and seriously injure themselves on the stairs. Of those injuries, the majority of them occur in people over sixty. Preventing these falls is imperative, because even though a fall at any age can be dangerous, those who are older often can not recover as quickly or as easily.

One of the best and most cost effective ways to prevent accidents on the stairs is to install a stair lift.

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Reducing the Chance of a Fall

Published by Stephen on October 1, 2008 under stair lifts

Arthritis is a joint disease that often affects senior citizens, but it can affect people of all ages. It can make it difficult for the individual to bend their knee and use the stairs. These types of diseases make a fall much more likely and often, as a result of osteoporosis, senior citizens have bones that are much more brittle and prone to fracture. This makes it very important to reduce the chance of a fall on the stairs.

There are several things that a person can do to reduce the chance of a fall. Avoiding areas with stairs and having someone help you walk up the stairs works great away from the home in public, but it is not so effective when you are at home. This is because avoiding the stairs in your home also means avoiding the upstairs portion of your home. Instead, it is better to install a stair lift onto the stairs.

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