Helping to Reduce the Chance of a Senior Fall

Published by Stephen on December 26, 2009 under fall prevention

Falls can be quite serious for those of any age, but the elderly is at most risk for an injury or health complications as the result of a fall. So, preventing senior falls becomes a very important consideration for any caregiver.

When preventing senior falls, it is important to identify and repair risk factors that could lead to a fall, while also evaluating the medical condition of the senior. However, often the risk factors are not black and white, so it is important to look at the home through the eyes of the senior.

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Study Finds Seniors at Increased Risk for Complications During Hospitalization

Published by Stephen on December 19, 2009 under fall prevention

In a recent study, published in the MedsBurg Nursing Journal, it was found that those over 65 are at a much higher risk of developing complications during hospitalizations that younger adults between the age of 16 and 44. This includes not only risks like falls, but also other medical issues, such as the development of ulcers and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

This study discusses these risks and also how they can be mediated and reduced. It is important to note that in addition to risks during hospitalization, the risk of complications post-hospitalization are also dramatically increased.

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Preventing Senior Falls, the First Line of Defense

Published by Stephen on December 14, 2009 under fall prevention

When trying to reduce the risk of a senior fall, all of the most expensive equipment in the world will not do any good, if you have not started at the front line and insured that the shoes of the senior are well made and designed to reduce the risk of a fall. The shoes, as well as a walker or cane, make up the first line of defense in preventing a fall. Without them, the risk of a fall is greatly increased, especially when away from the home.

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Understanding and Evaluating the Abilities of a Senior

Published by Stephen on December 5, 2009 under fall prevention

When you love someone, it is sometimes very easy to overlook their flaws and only see the good things. However, as we grow older, there are a number of risks that can crop up and overlooking them is a disservice to the loved one. This article primarily focuses on creating a safer stair environment, but first taking stock of the condition of the stairs and then the abilities of the senior. In practice, though, these principals can and should be applied to virtually all aspects of senior life.

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